本来一直反对在sql server中使用clr的,但是无奈在我之前,网站已经被人开启clr,所以今天干脆偶也来实现一个clr的trigger,用于在文章表内建立一个insert 触发器,每次发表文章,均ping一次google的博客接口。
1 建立sql server 项目,选择触发器
2 写代码:
Code public partial class Triggers { // 为目标输入现有表或视图并取消对属性行的注释 [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger (Name="Articletrigger", Target="cyzonearticle", Event="FOR INSERT")] public static void Articletrigger() { try { SqlTriggerContext triggContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext; // SqlParameter userName = new SqlParameter("@username", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); if (triggContext.TriggerAction == TriggerAction.Insert) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(); SqlPipe sqlP = SqlContext.Pipe; sqlComm.Connection = conn; sqlComm.CommandText = @"select i.articleid,i.userid,i.time,i.publishtype,u.username,u.blogname,u.createtime,dbo.GetLinkUrl(i.articleid,i.publishtype,u.username,i.time) as url from inserted i inner join userbase u on(i.userid = u.userid)"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlComm); da.Fill(ds); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; string articleid = dr["articleid"].ToString(); string userid = dr["userid"].ToString(); DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["time"]); string publishtype = dr["publishtype"].ToString(); string username = dr["username"].ToString(); DateTime createtime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["createtime"]); string blogname = dr["blogname"].ToString(); string url = dr["url"].ToString(); string rssurl = ""; if (publishtype.ToLower()=="a" || publishtype.ToLower()=="b" || publishtype.ToLower()=="c" ) { rssurl = "http://www.cyzone.cn/blog/" + username + "/rss.aspx"; } if ((time - createtime) > new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0, 0)) { string returns = PingGoogleBlogService(blogname, url, rssurl); string flag = "0"; if (returns != "Thanks for the ping.") { flag = "1"; } sqlComm.CommandText = "INSERT X_Google_Blog_Ping_Log(articleid,time,flag) VALUES('" + articleid + "','" + time + "','" + flag + "')"; sqlP.Send(sqlComm.CommandText); sqlP.ExecuteAndSend(sqlComm); } } } } catch (Exception ee) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"E:\services\GooglePingDll\xx.txt"); sw.WriteLine(ee.Message+ee.Source); sw.Close(); } } private static string PingGoogleBlogService(string blogname, string url, string rssurl) { WebClient w = new WebClient(); Uri uri ; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rssurl)) uri = new Uri("http://blogsearch.google.com/ping?name=" + blogname + "&url=" + url, false); else uri = new Uri("http://blogsearch.google.com/ping?name=" + blogname + "&url=" + url+"&changesURL="+rssurl,false); return w.DownloadString(uri); } }
3 编译项目,上传dll到服务器指定目录
4 开启clr(偶的服务器已经默认开启)
5 USE cyzone
GOEXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa' (更改安全主体,有些服务器不需要)
7 CREATE ASSEMBLY GooleBlogPingService
FROM 'E:"services"GooglePingDll"GoogleBlogPingServiceSqlFunction.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = unSAFE;8 Create Trigger tr_aasdasd
on cyzonearticle For INSERT AS External Name GooleBlogPingService.Triggers.Articletrigger Go其中有几点要注意的是:
这个名称 GooleBlogPingService.Triggers.Articletrigger 是比较讲究的,他的组成是:程序集名称.类名.方法名
that's all.